I have been spending time reading about what makes a great marriage lately. Not only am I doing “pre-marriage mentoring” for 4 couples at the moment, but it seems I am running into more and more people who share with me challenges they are facing in their marriages. Kristin and I continue to have to be diligent about prioritizing our own marriage amidst seeking to raise 4 kids, lead a growing church, teach honors physics, and manage all the other areas of our lives. As I constantly have been taught and continue to learn, great marriages take WORK. But as David Wilcox says, “It’s good work if you can get it.”
Here are some great resources I would recommend to any couple seeking to invest in their marriage, perhaps get out of a marriage rut, learn to communicate better, or ignite romance and joy. I would also recommend daily prayer (alone and together) and perhaps a good marriage counselor to help understand how to navigate specific marriage challenges. I also learned from John and Susan Yates the value of attending a Family Life Weekend every couple of years. Conference information can be found at www.familylife.com . Great Marriage Resources: The Meaning of Marriage Tim and Kathy Keller Real Marriage Mark and Grace Driscoll Love and Respect Dr. Emerson Eggerichs Books on Intimacy, Sex, and Romance Sheet Music Dr. Kevin Leman Under the Sheets Dr. Kevin Leman Sex and the Soul of a Woman – Paula Rhinehart
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