For more information about any of these events, or Student Ministry at Church of the Resurrection, please call the church office at 410-560-0456 or email [email protected].
FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLERS WEEKLY MS FELLOWSHIP All 6th–8th Graders are invited to ResHall EVERY SUNDAY this Fall from 5pm - 6:15pm to gather for games, food and to learn about what it means to be a Christian. MIDDLE SCHOOL FUN EVENTS Every few weeks, Middle School Students are invited to hangout together and do something just for fun! Past events include Bubble Ball, Skyzone and Oriole's Games. VOLUNTEERING Middle Schoolers are encouraged to volunteer in most areas (although they will always be accompanied by an adult). Visit the volunteer page HERE with your student, and encourage them to explore how they can know God by using their gifts! |
FOR HIGH SCHOOLERS HIGH SCHOOL FELLOWSHIP High School Fellowship happens every Sunday evening at 5pm - 6:15pm in the Commons, and is a place for 9th–12th Graders to hang out together and discover more about following Jesus as a student. VOLUNTEERING High Schoolers are welcome to volunteer in most areas at Res. In fact, most of the annual events that take place are DEPENDENT on the participation of 9–12th Graders! Serving others is a great way to grow deeper in our faith, develop confidence and leadership skills, and build more intergenerational relationships. Students should visit the volunteer page HERE, and talk with a staff member about how they can best utilize their God-given gifts at Res. |