Special Services
The beauty of Anglicanism is that we are not only invited to celebrate major “feast” days throughout the year, (significant Christian events like Christmas and Easter), but other worship initiatives that provide opportunities to gather and grow in Christ. Here are a few special services, among others, that we celebrate throughout the year:
Morning, Noon, or Evening Prayer – A 30 to 45 minute Anglican service of scripture, perhaps a short reflection and corporate prayer, with or without music.
Midweek services of Holy Communion – A one hour service of Holy Communion with a short homily with our without music.
Ash Wednesday – A midweek evening service of Holy Communion with music to begin Lent.
Seder Dinner – An Easter week Passover meal and service to help us better understand the Jewish roots of Christianity and the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection in its Passover context.
Maundy Thursday – An Easter week service of Holy Communion with music followed by the stripping of the alter table and dimming of the sanctuary as we look forward to Good Friday.
Good Friday Passion Reading – A 3 hour drop in reading of three gospel accounts of the “passion” (Latin – suffering) narrative of Jesus with music.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service - A service of “lights and shadows” with reflections on the death of Christ utilizing candles, choirs, and scripture.
Easter Sunrise Service – A special early morning Easter Holy Communion service set at a time that helps bring to light the meaning of the Resurrection.
Thanksgiving Service – An evening prayer service of thanksgiving, scripture, music and celebration on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving
Advent Lessons and Carols – An evening of Lessons and Carols in December with the Maryland Boy Choir to celebrate the coming of Christ.
Healing Prayer Services – Resurrection periodically holds Sunday Evening Services for Healing Prayer in the context of Holy Communion. Opportunities both during and after the service to receive the “anointing of oil” (James 5:14) and prayers for specific emotional, spiritual, relational and physical healing.
Morning, Noon, or Evening Prayer – A 30 to 45 minute Anglican service of scripture, perhaps a short reflection and corporate prayer, with or without music.
Midweek services of Holy Communion – A one hour service of Holy Communion with a short homily with our without music.
Ash Wednesday – A midweek evening service of Holy Communion with music to begin Lent.
Seder Dinner – An Easter week Passover meal and service to help us better understand the Jewish roots of Christianity and the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection in its Passover context.
Maundy Thursday – An Easter week service of Holy Communion with music followed by the stripping of the alter table and dimming of the sanctuary as we look forward to Good Friday.
Good Friday Passion Reading – A 3 hour drop in reading of three gospel accounts of the “passion” (Latin – suffering) narrative of Jesus with music.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service - A service of “lights and shadows” with reflections on the death of Christ utilizing candles, choirs, and scripture.
Easter Sunrise Service – A special early morning Easter Holy Communion service set at a time that helps bring to light the meaning of the Resurrection.
Thanksgiving Service – An evening prayer service of thanksgiving, scripture, music and celebration on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving
Advent Lessons and Carols – An evening of Lessons and Carols in December with the Maryland Boy Choir to celebrate the coming of Christ.
Healing Prayer Services – Resurrection periodically holds Sunday Evening Services for Healing Prayer in the context of Holy Communion. Opportunities both during and after the service to receive the “anointing of oil” (James 5:14) and prayers for specific emotional, spiritual, relational and physical healing.