Help Create an Inviting Time of Fellowship After Services
Can you help with fellowship? | We are looking for a few extra hands to help facilitate our fellowship time after our Sunday services. There are easy ways you can help, and there's no commitment required. You don't need to join a team to lend a hand. You can also sign up to bring food to share during fellowship. Contact [email protected] to get involved.
At Res, there is a joy, comfort, and welcome in the Commons area that the coffee, lemonade, and cookies bring to both adults and children each week. We are in need of volunteers to join our Fellowship Team! The ways to serve include bringing food, setting up the food and drinks before each service, and/or cleaning up afterward. Fellowship Team members are placed on a team that serves on Sundays once every 6—8 weeks.
At Res, there is a joy, comfort, and welcome in the Commons area that the coffee, lemonade, and cookies bring to both adults and children each week. We are in need of volunteers to join our Fellowship Team! The ways to serve include bringing food, setting up the food and drinks before each service, and/or cleaning up afterward. Fellowship Team members are placed on a team that serves on Sundays once every 6—8 weeks.