Over the course of the Fall the preaching series and the Bible studies will dive into the gospel of John. The goal is to take a look at “Jesus in real life.” Have you ever noticed how we may feel uncomfortable talking about Jesus, praying to Jesus, or breaking the barrier and actually sharing our faith in Jesus with someone else? Like any relationship, growing and personal comfort with another takes time. The first goal of the Fall Bible study and preaching series on John is to help Christians learn more and more about the Jesus we say we believe in. And to learn to actually interact with Him more and more on a daily basis.
The second goal is to provide a framework for those who are unsure, questioning, or looking for answers about the Christian faith. For many, our Sunday morning liturgy structure provides a safe framework for learning about Jesus. The Bible Studies will offer opportunities for discussion, questions, and learning in a non-threatening environment. In addition, I am thrilled that we are launching Alpha this fall. Alpha is specifically designed to provide an easy framework for learning, questioning, and growing in understanding of who Jesus is and what the Bible says it means to be a Christian. Comments are closed.
About the ResBlogMembers of staff and Vestry will be posting on the ResBlog to help us think through who we are in light of the gospel so that we might “spur one another on to love and good deeds.”